We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions. If you have a question that isn't listed here, please speak to us on Live Chat or email hello@confettibee.co.uk
We have compiled a list of frequently asked questions. If you have a question that isn't listed here, please speak to us on Live Chat or email hello@confettibee.co.uk
We are a small, independent business who care about making sure you receive the most beautiful natural dried petal confetti and confetti packaging for your Wedding Day.
Why not take a look and see some of our confetti in action!
Our confetti is sold by the litre. By purchasing a quantity of 1 you will receive 1 litre of confetti.
As the confetti that we stock varies in weight, it is more accurate for us to supply in litres.
Please see our guide on How We Measure Our Confetti for more information.
We supply confetti in different methods, but most commonly in 1 litre bagged amounts. To clarify, the bags themselves actually hold a quantity of over 1 litre, so the bags are not 100% full to the brim. This is to ensure there is some space left around the petals to help cushion and avoid them being crushed during transport.
We measure the confetti volume with a litre jug prior to it being bagged and always ensure we add a little bit extra anyway.
And how far does a litre of confetti go? Well, it's hard to be precise on this of course but we try to help by giving some guidance...With small petal confetti, we estimate that 1 litre of confetti will provide 10-15 loose handfuls and fill around 15-20 packets. (For extra detail, we define a 'loose handful' as the exact amount of a double shot glass, i.e 50ml - Not a small scattering but not a huge mound either, just the typical amount someone would hold to throw)
With medium/large petal confetti, we estimate that 1 litre of confetti will provide 8-12 loose handfuls and fill around 10-15 packets.
If you're wanting to scatter the confetti down the aisle prior to the ceremony, we loosely estimate that 1 litre of natural confetti scattered lightly will cover approximately a metre.
Please see our Petal Size Guide for some useful information that will also help you choose the correct volume.
It's totally up to you of course but from our experience we'd always say account for every single guest!
We get regular feedback from customers who said they were so pleased they bought enough for all, as there would've been some disappointed faces if left out right at the special moment! People just love to join in at the end of the day.
Please see our Petal Size Guide for some useful information that will also help you choose the correct volume.
All our confetti packets are sold separately to the confetti.
So you if you require packets for you confetti you will need to add these to your order. Please see our Confetti Packaging Collections here.
We recommend ordering any time within 12 months of your wedding date. Please see our info page How To Delay Your Confetti Order for more useful guidance.
Our confetti will last when stored correctly. Please see our Guide to Storing Your Confetti page for more information on this
Ensure your confetti is kept in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and any moisture.
Our dried confetti can last 6-12 months if stored correctly.
Please see our Guide to Storing Your Confetti page for more information.
Our confetti products are dried natural petals, however we do use dyes in certain petals. Where relevant, this will be outlined within the product description.
Also please note that these petals are a natural product, therefore we cannot guarantee the colour will stay put if they get wet.
We do offer a sample service if you want to test in order to put your mind at rest.
Please see our article on Why Wedding Venues Prefer Biodegradable Wedding Confetti for more useful guidance.
Don't worry, just let us know as soon as you can. We can amend your order for you and send a secure payment link via email to allow you to pay the additional amount for your forgotten items.
Get in touch on Live Chat or email hello@confettibee.co.uk
Our Standard UK delivery service is 3 - 5 working days and price starts from £4.99.
For more information, please visit our Delivery Page.
All delayed orders will be processed in time for your wedding, normally 3-4 weeks before your big day and will be sent via the delivery method of your choosing. Please note however in the event of extremely high demand, this may change to you receiving the order no less than 2 weeks before.
All items within the delayed order will be sent at the same time.
Please see our info page How To Delay Your Confetti Order for more useful guidance.
Ideally around 2 weeks before the wedding/event will be ideal and again, please ensure they are then stored in a cool place away from sunlight and moisture.
Have questions about your order, or a general enquiry?